KPMG cooperates with Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  • Date: 01.12.2015

KPMG and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology cooperate in the area of intelligent data analytics

 The accountancy firm KPMG and the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) have arranged a strategic cooperation in the areas business intelligence as well as data & analytics. The cooperation involves the execution of joint empirical studies and the realisation of innovation prototypes which shed light on intelligent data analytics respectively describe and evaluate new approaches.

KPMG-partner Thomas Erwin: “Data analytics are becoming more and more important for the market success of enterprises. We know from our own experience that more than half of the companies in Germany are specifically looking for opportunities that evolve out of extensive data analysis. By making the right conclusions, efficiency and revenue can be increased as well as risks minimized. Together with the KIT we want to develop innovative concepts for data analytics which we can integrate into the consulting of our customers.”

“The strategic cooperation with KPMG allows us to do research close to the business reality using concrete data and practical questions“, says Prof. Alexander Mädche, leader of the research group “Information Systems & Service Design” and director at the Karlsruhe Service Research Institute (KSRI) at the KIT. The cooperation systematically links the three core tasks of the KIT “Research, Teaching, Innovation” in the are of intelligent data analysis. “I think that we can achieve a lot in this area through the transfer of knowledge between companies and sciences”, states Thomas Erwin.

KPMG is one of the leading accountancy and consulting firms in Germany and has around 9.600 employees at more than 20 locations. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) – the research university in the Helmholtz-Community – is with its around 9.400 employees as well as 24.500 students one of the big science- and engineering-oriented research and educational establishments in Europe.

Source: (German)